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Last year ASCA contracted with GrowthZone to migrate our website and membership portal. After months of behind-the-scenes preparation, we are excited to welcome you today to experience the new website and member portal!
Black History Month prompts us to examine our approaches, ensuring they reflect a commitment to equity and fairness. This includes proactive steps to address bias incidents, promote cultural competence, and establish a sense of belonging for every student.
On this federal holiday, ASCA pauses to honor the profound legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We reflect on how Dr. King's monumental achievements, as evidenced in landmark cases like Dixon v. Alabama State Board of Education, Esteban, etc. have laid the essential groundwork for our daily endeavors.
As conduct practitioners, we face unique professional and personal challenges when domestic and international crises arise. We must be champions of due process on our campuses, explain and uphold freedom of speech and the right to assemble, manage our emotions while providing tools and avenues for students to manage their emotions, and enact behavior and care interventions. ASCA is therefore bringing a series of educational opportunities focused on how we help our students and ourselves during these times.
A special message from the Raymond H. Goldstone Foundation Board of Directors. Please consider making a special memorial contribution to the Foundation in memory of Raymond's 81st birthday
Indigenous Peoples' Day was renamed from Columbus Day to address how American History glorified European violence against Indigenous communities. Read on for ways to thoughtfully celebrate this important day.
The Board of Directors, along with ASCA's Central Office, have dedicated significant time and energy to advance both the mission and operations of ASCA. Read our mid-year recap now.
The Student Conduct Professionals with/interested in JDs Community of Practice is back!
ASCABy: Karrie Gilroy
College is often an opportunity for students to grow, experiment, and learn from their experiences. However, for students diagnosed with a Substance Use Disorder (SUD), there may be additional challenges, such as a lack of dedicated space for building supportive and sustainable relationships with peers and staff, along with feelings of stigma associated with their recovery journey.
In keeping with our commitment to provide ongoing education and resources to our members, and in response to member requests, ASCA is developing an Equity-Informed Conduct Materials Resource Repository. Access will be free for ASCA members.
Now is the time to nominate (or self-nominate) for an upcoming opening on the ASCA Board of Directors. Click here for position descriptions and the nomination form.
#Juneteenth commemorates the day in 1865 when slavery ended in the US. Although the Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1863, communication of emancipation did not reach the 250,000 enslaved persons in Texas until Union troops arrived to the territory nearly two-and-a-half years later.
Effective June 6, 2023, Dr. Tess Barker will assume the role of ASCA Executive Director.
Meet Latosha M. Williams, M.Ed., ASCA's incoming Parliamentarian.
ASCA submitted student conduct administration-specific comments and cosigned onto NASPA's representation of student affairs overarching thoughts to the U.S. Department of Education on the proposed revisions to the Title IX regulations. Read the comments here.
ASCA's Central Office is in a time of transition. While we will miss her contributions to the Association, we are proud to announce that our Deputy Director, Christine Simone will be leaving ASCA on Friday, July 29, 2022 for a new professional position supporting Higher Education administrators' growth and development. Keep reading for information on a celebration in her honor.
ASCA is happy to announce the appointment of Karen D. Boyd, Ph.D. as Interim Executive Director. Read her bio now.
Individuals who identify as women face different, and sometimes dangerous, challenges than do other professionals. From mindsets to #MeToo, many women encounter daily safety concerns. Based on the presenter's session at ASCA 2019, blog post will include information about how to gain situational awareness, how to advocate for your safety at work, and about how to be an ally. The focus is on women; however, intersectionality will be honored.
ASCABy: Dr. Jim Lancaster and Dr. James Lorello
By: Ange Concepcion and Tommy Tressler-Gelok