Contribute to our new initiative: Equity-Informed Conduct Materials Resource Repository
In keeping with our commitment to provide ongoing education and resources to our members, and in response to member requests, ASCA is developing an Equity-Informed Conduct Materials Resource Repository. Access will be free for ASCA members. The goal of this repository is for members who are updating their policies and procedures from an equity-informed lens to be able to gain ideas from other colleagues. The resources will be organized by type of document and then by institution type.
If you would like to submit materials, please indicate your interest here.
Once you have completed that form, ASCA will:
- Provide a letter to your provided institution contact regarding the submission of the documents, including that credit will be given to the institution and the institution retains all copyright. The letter will also provide contact information so the institution can request that the resource be taken down at any time.
- Contact information will be included with resources so members can follow up with questions. However, people may submit redacted material if they wish their institution to remain anonymous.
The anticipated timeline is as follows:
- Interest form open August 23
- Materials are reviewed through September 15
- Materials are posted September 20
- We will be doing a second call for resources following the Annual Conference
Please note: ASCA is providing this repository as a resource for our members, with a default to including submissions. Therefore, although materials will be reviewed prior to inclusion, the review will not edit the materials or make any guarantees about them. However, if concerns are noted or reported, we may contact the institution or association, or decline posting the materials. Instructions on how to report concerns will be posted in the repository. We appreciate your consideration of sharing materials with the membership for the continued advancement of our field and for the continued equitable treatment of our students.
If you have further questions, please contact Assistant Executive Director Amanda Mesirow at aed@theasca.org.