Graduate Student Workers: Students or Employees Under Title IX? - 2024
This is the fifth of five webinars by the ASCA Title IX Task Force to occur by July 31, 2024.
Webinar Description:
This webinar navigates whether specific student roles should be classified as employees under Title IX policy and procedures. The presenters discuss the implications and challenges of identifying students as employees. The session ends with a Q&A segment.
Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of the webinar, participants will be able to:
- Understand the criteria used to determine whether certain student roles should qualify as employees under institutions Title IX policy and procedures.
- Evaluate the implications and potential challenges associated with classifying students as employees.
Pricing & Registration:
The pricing for this individual webinar is:
- Professional Member: $29.00
- Non-Member: $49.00
- Student Member: $19.00
Presenter Info:
Kristi Patrickus, J.D.: Student Advocacy Program Attorney, University of Oregon
Kristi Patrickus is the Student Advocacy Program Attorney at the University of Oregon (UO). She graduated with Juris Doctorate from UO in 2021 and became a member of the Oregon State Bar and Missouri Bar Association shortly thereafter. During her time as a law student, Kristi worked in the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards where she performed numerous functions, including adjudicating conduct cases and administering sanctions. Kristi currently serves on various committees including the Student Conduct Advisory Committee at UO and the Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association Education Committee.
Kristi is the current co-chair of the Public Policy and Legislative Issues Committee and Conduct Professionals with JDs Committee within the ASCA. Kristi’s research on due process protections for students in university conduct systems is published in Volume 47 of the National Association of College and University Attorneys Journal of College and University Law.
Jessica Ledbetter, Ed.D., J.D. (she/her/hers): Assistant Dean of Students, Texas Christian University
Jessica Ledbetter is an Assistant Dean of Students at Texas Christian University (TCU). She earned a J.D. from the University of Kansas School of Law in 2004 and joined the Kansas and Nebraska bars. Jessica practiced law before teaching Business Law to undergraduates for several years. During this time, she also volunteered as an international officer for an NPC organization.
Jessica graduated with her Ed.D. in Higher Education Leadership from TCU in 2021. Her dissertation research focused on the impact of students' moral mindset and moral identity on student conduct. During her graduate studies, she worked as a Graduate Assistant in both the Dean of Students and Title IX offices where she helped rewrite the Code of Student Conduct, assisted in developing TCU's new enhanced Title IX hearing process, and provided individualized student support and advocacy. As an Assistant Dean, Jessica continues to respond to student needs and crises, as well as focusing on policy and process development, administrating the enhanced student hearing process, and creating related student conduct resources and education. Jessica serves on the TCU University Intercollegiate Athletics Committee, as a Fraternity and Sorority Life chapter coach, as adjunct faculty in the College of Education, and teaches Introduction to University Life to first year students annually.
Jessica is on the ASCA Region 5 Leadership Team as the Law and Policy Liaison and is an active member of several Communities of Practice, including the Conduct Professionals with JDs and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Communities.
Samuel Halligan (he/him): Equity & Title IX Investigator, Cornell University
Samuel Halligan is an Equity and Title IX investigator at Cornell University. In this role, he investigates Title IX policy violations that fall under the purview of students, faculty and staff. In this role Sam also investigates protected class discrimination and harassment. Prior to this role Sam served as the Deputy Title IX Coordinator at SUNY Cortland. Sam currently serves as the NY legislative representative for ASCA Region Ten. Sam received his Masters of Student College Personnel from Bowling Green State University.