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Investigations and Student Misconduct - 2024

Webinar Description

Of the many roles a student conduct administrators may have, that of the investigator is extremely important but sometimes overlooked. This session will provide an overview of the qualities of a sound investigator, significant considerations to take into account when developing this skill set, and guidance on how Clery-reportable information should be gathered and recorded. The session will end with an open discussion on strategies to utilize to increase your capacity as an investigator.

Presenter Bios

Cecilia Dockery serves as an Assistant Director of Programs at Clery Center. In her role, Cecilia develops and implements programs and training related to campus safety and provides technical assistance to Clery Center members. Prior to joining the Clery Center, Cecilia spent 10 years in higher education, serving in student conduct roles for most of that time as well as in Title IX and Housing. Cecilia earned a Bachelor of Science in Aquaculture from Florida Tech and a Master of Education in College Student Personnel Administration from the University of West Florida.

James Bond, J.D. is entering his 20th year as a staff member in student conduct at the University of Maryland, College Park. He started as Coordinator in the Rights and Responsibilities Office in the Department of Resident Life. Since then, he’s served as an Assistant Director in the Office of Student Conduct, Interim Director, and now as its Director. In this capacity, he reports to the Dean of Students, sits on the Behavioral Evaluation and Threat Assessment Team, and serves as the Deputy Title IX Coordinator for the campus. James is active in the Association of Student Conduct Administration, having served on its Board of Directors, Gehring Academy Faculty two times, the Goldstone Foundation, several committees, and as a presenter at numerous annual conferences. 

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